Hide cookie banner automatically

How to hide cookie banner automatically?

Written by NelsonLast update 4 months ago

You can hide your cookie banner automatically after some time very easily. Go to your CookieScript user account > Settings > Banner behavior, where you will find the AUTO-HIDE COOKIE BANNER (IN SECONDS) checkbox.

This option can be used if you donโ€™t want to annoy your visitors with a pop-up box too much. You can hide the cookie pop-up box automatically after a certain number of seconds. It will hide smoothly, so your visitors will have a great experience browsing website. This does not mean that the website user accepts or rejects cookies automatically. If the user did not make any choice regarding the usage of cookies, the cookie banner will be hidden on the current web page and will be shown again on the next page.

The auto-hide option can be left blank if you do not want to hide the pop-up box automatically.

Note: Auto-hide functionality might not be compliant with some regulations.

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