Cookie compliance integration for

Cookie compliance integration for

Written by NelsonLast update 8 months ago

In order to add Cookies-Script (or any other custom code) to, you must have a Premium membership on

Adding a Cookie-Script snippet to is possible only via HTTPS protocol.

To add your CookieScript cookie banner code to your site, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the Tracking & Analytics tab under Advanced Settings.

  3. Click + New Tool and select Custom from the dropdown.

  4. Copy your CookieScript code (it should be an HTTPS protocol).

  5. Paste the copied CookieScript snippet as shown below 

  6. Click Apply.

How to add a CookieScript snippet to via Google Tag Manager (GTM)?

It is assumed that you have already had experience with GTM and your GTM account is created, also you created a website container in GTM and added the GTM container snippet to your website as required:

1 Go to Settings in your site's dashboard.
2 Click the Tracking & Analytics tab under Advanced Settings
3 Click + New Tool and select Google Tag Manager from the dropdown.
4 Enter GTM Container ID.
5 Click Apply.

Note: If the banner doesn’t appear after the implementation, check if you don’t use any Cache plugin or extension, which prevents the banner from popping-up.  

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