Show cookie categories

How to show cookie categories?

Written by NelsonLast update 6 months ago

You can decide to show or not to show cookie categories on your cookie banner. Go to your CookieScript user account > Settings > Banner elements, where you will find the SHOW COOKIE CATEGORIES checkbox.

Check the box if you want your cookie banner to show cookie categories with checkboxes next to them. Checkboxes allow users to choose which cookie categories they agree to. Cookie categories are only displayed if your website cookies were scanned.

The button "SAVE AND CLOSE" next to cookie categories saves selected cookie preferences and closes the cookie banner. If shown together with the “Accept all” button, this button is shown after the user starts checking or unchecking categories or clicks the “Show details” link. You can change the button title here.

When you show cookie categories, you can also choose to activate several options. If you check ACTIVATE "SAVE AND CLOSE" BUTTON WHEN A USER OPENS COOKIE DECLARATION box, the “Save and Close” button will appear after the user clicks on the "Show details" link to see Cookie Declaration. This option is useful if you show cookie categories checkboxes under the Cookie Declaration section.

Check MOVE CATEGORY CHECKBOXES TO COOKIE DECLARATION box if you want to move Cookie Category checkboxes under the “Show details” section.

If your cookie banner shows cookie categories, it will be compliant with all major privacy laws.

If your cookie banner does not show cookie categories, this will lead to the following cookie compliance results:


Cookie compliance


Non-compliant. You have to allow users to provide consent for different cookie categories separately.


Compliant, buttons to accept and decline cookies are enough.


Compliant, buttons to accept and decline cookies are enough.


Non-compliant. You have to allow users to provide consent for different cookie categories separately.

It is recommended to show cookie categories on your cookie banner.

See the guide on how to activate or disable the "Decline all" button and how to activate or disable the "Accept all" button. Changing CookieScript main settings, you can decide which buttons to show on your cookie banner. Note that some choices may not be compliant with the privacy laws.

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