Google Optimize: how to solve redirects problem?

Google Optimize: how to solve redirects problem?

Written by NelsonLast update 12 months ago

Google Optimize allows you to test different variants of web pages, monitor the results, and find the variant which is performing the best.

If you have installed Google Optimize to your website or app, in some cases you may encounter redirects from one web page to another.

Basically, for the Google Optimize to function properly, you need to allow the cookie gaexprc to function properly. If you block this cookie, Google Optimize will not work.

To solve the redirects problem with Google Optimize, there are three solutions. Choose one of them:

  • Add the cookie gaexprc manually to the cookie report page, and assign it to the category of strictly necessary cookies.

  • If the cookie gaexprc is already present on the cookie report page, assign it to the category of strictly necessary cookies.

  • If you do not want to show it on your cookie report page, add the cookie gaexprc to the behavior tab, on the strictly necessary cookies list:

The first and second methods for solving the redirects problem are not always working, while the third method will always solve the problem.

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