Scanning your website

How does CookieScript Cookie Scanner works?

Written by NelsonLast update 9 months ago

Once you have created your banner and entered the web domain URL, the scanner will crawl through the page and detect all the cookies. For scanning your website follow the next:

  1. From the dashboard panel click on the banner that you have created.

  2. From the panel left side click scans, you will be directed to the COOKIE SCANNER SETTINGS panel

  3. From the cookie scanner setting section you can choose (mark the check-box) from the available options that suit your requirements.
    You can choose your cookie scanning by ticking the following check-boxes: ENABLE AUTOMATIC MONTHLY COOKIE SCAN, SCAN SUBDOMAINS, RECEIVE SCAN RESULTS BY EMAIL, and ALWAYS SCAN FROM SAME IP ADDRESS.

Sit back and relax! Your website cookies are being scanned. Come back when scanning is finished.

Automatic monthly cookie scanning is performed once per month. If your website was changed and you don't want to wait until the next automatic cookie scan catches those changes, you can trigger an automatic scan manually from the admin panel. Manual scanning is limited to once in 24 hours.

Note: If you want to rescan your website again and don't want to wait for 24 hours, you can request po rescan your website via chat.

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