How to block Tags with CookieScript Consent State variable

How to block Tags with CookieScript Consent State variable

Written by NelsonLast update 11 months ago

Google Tag Manager Consent State Variable Template is designed for easier configuration of Tags. The Template does not have any settings, it just allows you to create a User-Defined variable that can later be used to read the current user consent state. This is useful when you want to fire a Tag on a click (or some other event), but need to be sure that the user accepted certain Cookie Categories. 

Before Installing the Variable Template

Important: Variable conditions should be used for Consent State checking during interactive events or on page load. For example, pageviewclick event, or form submission event. This variable is not a trigger and it will not fire when the user clicks the "Accept all cookies" button. If you need a trigger event for Tag to fire during page load or in event of Accepting/Declining certain cookies via the Cookie Banner buttons, use those instructions instead.

Note: Variable returns the value of the current consent for the Cookie Categories used in the Cookie Banner (Performance, Targeting, etc.). If you want to fire tags depending on the built-in Google Consent Mode, follow the guide for Google Consent Mode implementation instead.

How to install and use the CookieScript Consent State Variable

Step 1: Go to Google Tag Manager > Templates > Search Gallery

Step 2: Search for "CookieScript" and select CookieScript Consent State (by Cookie-Script). Click "Add to Workspace" and click "Add" in the popup.

NOTE: If for any reason template is not found in the template gallery, you can download it here (Right click > Save link as). After the template is downloaded, go to Templates Variable Templates > New > Click 3 dots in the top right corner > Import > point to the downloaded file > Save

Consent State Variable Template is now installed, you can now create a GTM variable.

Step 3: Go to Variables User-Defined Variables > New  > Select CookieScript Consent State from Custom Templates. 

Step 4: In the Trigger configuration select some events only and choose the  CookieScript Consent State condition. Enter which of those categories consent should be given: performance, targeting, functionality, unclassified

You can set Trigger to fire if several categories are accepted together: 

Note: if you are not using cookie categories, enter  accept instead of the category name. Tags will fire if the user accepted Cookie Policy.

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