Auto accept cookie policy

How to automatically accept cookies after a certain time or on scroll?

Written by NelsonLast update 4 months ago

It is possible to set a cookie banner to automatically accept cookies automatically after a certain time or on scroll. Go to your CookieScript user account > Settings > Cookie behavior, where you will find the AUTO-ACCEPT COOKIES checkbox.

At the AUTO-ACCEPT COOKIES AFTER DELAY (SECONDS) checkbox, enter the number in seconds, when cookies are automatically accepted. Unlike the auto-hide option, this will automatically accept the cookie policy and cookies, so the cookie banner will not be shown again. 

If you check the AUTO-ACCEPT ON SCROLL checkbox, all cookies will be accepted when the user scrolls the webpage.

Note: The AUTO-ACCEPT COOKIES option (after delay or on scroll) is not compliant with some privacy regulations. For example, the GDPR, CNIL and other privacy laws require an explicit cookie consent, so this option is not compliant with these privacy laws.

Note: both AUTO-ACCEPT and AUTO-HIDE options stop displaying cookie pop-up warnings after a certain time, so if using both, the smallest value will be used to hide the pop-up. If the AUTO-ACCEPT option is smaller than AUTO-HIDE, the AUTO-ACCEPT overwrites the AUTO-HIDE value.

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