Cookie badge

Setting up a cookie badge

Written by NelsonLast update 3 months ago

According to GDPR, website visitors should be able to change their cookie settings (withdraw consent) as easily as agreeing to cookie usage. This means visitors should be able to do this on any page and not search for a specific page with Cookie Policy. To select showing or not a cookie badge, go to your CookieScript user account > Settings > Banner elements, where you will find the SHOW COOKIE BADGE checkbox, and make your choice.

If you are not happy about badges on your site, you can add Cookie Settings button/checkbox on your Cookie Policy page only.

We have created this functionality very flexible and adjustable for almost any website design. 

You can set this up using two options: 

1.  Show badge option:

If you check the box, after choosing Cookie Preferences or closing the cookie banner, a small badge will be shown on a web page to your website user. Clicking this badge will show the cookie banner again, so the user can change his choice or withdraw the Cookie Consent. Nothing else will be shown on the page after the user clicks Agree / Disagree button in the cookie popup. Visitor can only change their selection on the Cookie Policy page (or any other page where you add the Cookie Settings button/checkbox).

If you want to hide the cookie badge after the user Accepted or Declined cookies, you can easily adjust your settings by following these steps:
1. Log in to your CookieScript account and select the corresponding banner.
2. Go to Settings -> Banner Elements
3. Locate "Show cookie badge" option and uncheck it.

4. Save changes
This will ensure the cookie badge is no longer displayed after a user rejects cookies.

You can choose the COOKIE BADGE STYLE by selecting one of the available options. A Bigger round button with an icon will show a big round button with the CookieScript icon and nice slide-out animation. A smaller button without an icon will show a small button without any icon. Custom icon without text will show your own custom image. Add a link to a custom image in the field below to show your own cookie badge icon.

2. Cookie badge text/image option:

At the COOKIE BADGE TEXT / CUSTOM IMAGE tab, you can change the text or image for your cookie badge.

Text: To change the text, simply delete “Cookie settings” and add your text you want to see in a badge. Here is an example of how a badge will look on your website:

Image: To show your own cookie badge icon, enter a link to a custom image. Select, if text or link should be used in the option above. You should add an image link (URL with https/http), like and a cookie badge will be shown as your custom image. We do not offer file upload since we focus on code hosting.

Note: your image will be automatically scaled down to become 45px wide. You can change this with your own CSS styles.

See the guide on how to add custom styles to your badge.

Default Cookie-Script logo: Leave this option blank and we will show the CookieScript logo:

Note: The cookie badge is automatically placed in the same position (left/right, top/bottom) as your cookie popup. This can also be customized with your own CSS styles.

Note: The cookie badge with text is colored the same way as a cookie pop-up box.

Note: If the cookie banner appears only on the very first page and is not showing up on other pages, or the cookie badge doesn't work properly, you need to update the GTM template.

If your cookie banner shows the cookie badge, it will be compliant with all major privacy laws.

If your cookie banner does not show the cookie badge, this will lead to the following cookie compliance results:


Cookie compliance




Compliant only if the user has another possibility to change his cookie consent.


Compliant only if the user has another possibility to change his cookie consent.



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