Banner shows up again after accepting or rejecting cookies
This will help you if user consent does not get saved.
If your banner shows up again (reappears on every page) after accepting or rejecting cookies, there are the following solutions to this problem:
1.Update the GTM template
If you are using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to install the banner, you most likely have an outdated CookieScript GTM template installed. Follow these instructions to update the GTM template.
2. Check the CookieScriptConsent cookie
Go to your CookieScript dashboard > Cookies and check if the Cookie Scanner found the CookieScriptConsent cookie. It must be set as a Strictly necessary cookie. If not, set as a strictly necessary cookie.
If the Cookie Scanner did not find the CookieScriptConsent cookie, you have two options:
Add this cookie manually, indicating the name CookieScriptConsent.
Set your website domain without the “https”. The domain could be indicated as or
This should solve the problem. There are two ways to check if the problem was solved.
First, clear your cache and check your website. The banner should not reappear.
Second, rescan your website after adding the cookie. You should see the CookieScriptConsent cookie:
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