Google Consent Mode checklist

See how you can validate your GTM consent mode installation

Written by NelsonLast update 5 months ago

Checklist for the correct implementation of Google Ads and Google Consent Mode

  1. Check, if Google Consent Mode is enabled in settings.
    See the guide about how to enable Google Consent Mode.

  2. Re-save your banner to make sure your banner supports Consent Mode validator (code updates were released on 2024-07-31)

  3. Validate GTM installation. Go to your CookieScript dashboard > Settings > Google Consent Mode, check the box ENABLE GOOGLE CONSENT MODE V2, and press the Validate GTM installation tab. It checks if you use the last version of the GTM template and the GTM is installed correctly. If the GTM installation is not correct, make changes according to the list below, resave your cookie banner, and validate the GTM installation again.

  4. CookieScript is installed in GTM using the latest template from gallery.
    See the guide about how to update the GTM template.

  5. CookieScript trigger is set to Consent Initialization (AND no other tags in that trigger).
    Triggering CookieScript tag on consent initialization is crucial for other tags that use consent mode to work. If CookieScript fires too late, none of those other tags will see the default consent state and will not work.

  6. Make sure you have only one CookieScript tag.

  7. GA trigger is set to Initialization
    The right GA trigger should look like this:

    The common mistake is the wrong GA trigger selected like in this example:

  8. Clear browser Cache

  9. Use preview mode to see how it works. Link to debugger info.

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